Thursday, March 06, 2008

I am still here

I am still fighting the cancer beast, have been to faraway doctors and back, and am recovering from a roller coaster of an experience with surgery and more.

I have learned tons about the health care system, but am not ready to draw any conclusions yet from my experience.

My attention recently has been turned in two directions (beyond my own healing):
The Oprah and Eckhart Tolle connection: visit to learn about this on-line learning experience that helps us live in the present moment (always good when the future looks scarey).

Also, as I recover, I have been thoroughly delving into favorite magazines. The latest issue of The Sun features an interview with Van Jones, an activist who believes environmental issues must be linked to issues of race, justice and poverty. As I have thought about environmental issues lately, it seems they must be linked to issues of economic empowerment. This is the only way the environmental movement can go beyond the white middle class "green" consumer in my opinion.

I much appreciate the friends and family who have been supporting me through my journey with cancer, and I look forward to the time when it is not front and center in my consciousness. Maybe with Eckhart Tolle's help, this could be soon!